So my Christmas break officially started this week and I couldn't be more excited. My mom and I spent the entire day yesterday doing a ton of Christmas shopping (literally 93am-8pm, crazy I know), and today I am off to Clarion for the night to visit my best friends. It's been snowing a lot this morning but hopefully the roads won't be too bad.
Tomorrow I am going with my best friends at home to the Improv. It's a comedy club in Pittsburgh and from what I hear lots of fun! They've went before when I was on the road and so have my parents and I've heard nothing but great things. Tomorrow John Oliver will be performing, so we are going to the show at 9pm, then out for more fun and drinks after : ) It's nice being home and not having to worry about a job for an entire month---gives me lots of time to do whatever I want!
I'll be sure to give you an update on how the show went! Have a fantastic weekend : )
I spent a year of my life traveling the country, now I'm back home in Pittsburgh working as an event planner, living life and learning how to be a grown-up!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Everybody's Working For the Weekend...
... or at least some people are. As of now my weekend is filled up with lots of work, such as chaperoning 120+ people at a sorority semi-formal from 7 to midnight, flying from Greenville to Charlotte, NC, finishing two 10 page reports, hopefully getting my resume together, start looking for jobs, and whatever else comes my way.
So in my case (and for all the other TLCs), I am working for December 8th (also the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's death). That's right my month long Christmas break starts December 8th. We are lucky because they tend to not send us anywhere the week of finals, then obviously we are off for the rest of December and into January because we work with the same schedule as the universities.
I thought about getting a part time job, maybe go back to Express for a month or so, but after thinking about it I decided that was a ridiculous idea. A lot of people think I have "the life" and get paid to still be a sorority girl in college, but I promise you that's not the case. Unlike the people who work 9-5 with the occasional weekend paperwork, I am literally on the clock 24/7. Yes most of my days is filled with free time, but you have to remember I have no car, no real home, I live out of a suitcase, and I'm surrounded by people I've know for maybe a week. So even when I have "free time" it really isn't free. So because of that, I decided to spend my Christmas break jobless, probably moneyless, but I will have plenty of time to catch up with friends and family--which is good enough for me!
So in my case (and for all the other TLCs), I am working for December 8th (also the 30th anniversary of John Lennon's death). That's right my month long Christmas break starts December 8th. We are lucky because they tend to not send us anywhere the week of finals, then obviously we are off for the rest of December and into January because we work with the same schedule as the universities.
I thought about getting a part time job, maybe go back to Express for a month or so, but after thinking about it I decided that was a ridiculous idea. A lot of people think I have "the life" and get paid to still be a sorority girl in college, but I promise you that's not the case. Unlike the people who work 9-5 with the occasional weekend paperwork, I am literally on the clock 24/7. Yes most of my days is filled with free time, but you have to remember I have no car, no real home, I live out of a suitcase, and I'm surrounded by people I've know for maybe a week. So even when I have "free time" it really isn't free. So because of that, I decided to spend my Christmas break jobless, probably moneyless, but I will have plenty of time to catch up with friends and family--which is good enough for me!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thumbin' My Way Into North Caroline...
As of Monday night I've been spending my time in Greenville, North Carolina at East Carolina University. I haven't really left the house since I've been here so I don't know much about the area. The house is beautiful though! And so is the weather... much nicer than the snow that is coming down in Pittsburgh : )
Thanksgiving break was amazing and much needed. I got to spend time with my family and friends, relax, and actually be off the clock! In exactly one week from today I will be back home for Christmas break! It's nice getting two more visits in this semester (I leave Saturday for Lenoir Rhyne University in NC), but the days are moving sooo slow because I'm so anxious for Christmas.
I made my butternut squash that I wrote about a few posts ago! It was a big hit (kind of). I didn't like it as much as I thought, but a lot of my family members LOVED IT! I was so happy : )
Thanksgiving break was amazing and much needed. I got to spend time with my family and friends, relax, and actually be off the clock! In exactly one week from today I will be back home for Christmas break! It's nice getting two more visits in this semester (I leave Saturday for Lenoir Rhyne University in NC), but the days are moving sooo slow because I'm so anxious for Christmas.
I made my butternut squash that I wrote about a few posts ago! It was a big hit (kind of). I didn't like it as much as I thought, but a lot of my family members LOVED IT! I was so happy : )
So if you're looking for a new recipe, I definitely recommend trying it out! Let me know if you do!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
You Have to be Willing to Get Happy About Nothing
Andy Warhol is truly one of the most interesting people you could every know about. I might be a little biased because he is related to my maternal grandmother (more about that later), but there is definitely no denying that he led an extraordinary, glamorous, yet tragic life.
He was born Andrew Warhola on August 6, 1928 in a small apartment on Orr Street in Pittsburgh. His parents are Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants and devout Byzantine Catholics (both traits which my grandma still possesses). My grandma's father and Andy are first cousins, which makes my grandma second, and me distantly related (but I still use the ties as my claim to fame). Just like many immigrants of that time, Andy's name was changed from Warhola to Warhol. His talent was recognized at a young age and continued through his young adulthood when he attended Carnegie Mellon University.
Soon after graduating he moved to New York City and he soon became one of the most successful magazine illustrators of the 1950s. Thanks to the movie "Serendipity" the trendy restaurant is a hot spot for many people traveling to New York, but little do they know that Andy was making it a popular spot long before the movie debuted. In the late '50s he had many art shows and parties there.
The paintings Warhol is most know for are his miraculous "Pop" paintings, including Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Elizabeth Taylor, and the infamous Campbell Soup Can. His studio "The Factory" became a huge part of the culture in the 60s and early 70s. Andy shot many movies there and it's where he did all his work. Little did he know it would soon be the "it" place to be in New York City and became much more of a party spot than an art studio.
A few years ago "Factory Girl" starring Sienna Miller as the beautiful Edie Sedgwick gave the unfortunate people who never experienced "The Factory" a glimpse at what the glamorous and carefree life was like. Warhol is said to be responsible for the rise and fall of the young Edie. A different story in her own, and famous for her striped shirts and black tights, Edie in many ways was actually responsible for the rise of Andy's career; starring in his movies for barely nothing, showing up on his arm at premiers and galas, and bringing in starts who otherwise wouldn't have given Warhol the time of day. Edie is perhaps the most famous muse in the industry despite her short life. Having ties to Jim Morrison, Mick Jagger, Bob Neuwirth and Bob Dylan, Edie is said to be the inspiration for many songs throughout the time. Although she was surrounded by some of the best, Edie led a lonely life filled with hate, drugs and alcohol. Her short life ended the night of November 15, 1971.
Warhol continued on through the 70s and 80s without Edie. He was one to never show emotions, and although they had a falling out, I cannot believe that Andy wasn't affected by the death of his muse. During the 70s Andy was a regular at Studio 54 and interacted with the likes of Jackie O, Liza Minnelli, Biance Jagger, and many others on the socialite NY scene. Warhol's career thrived until his mysterious death after a gall bladder surgery the morning of February 22, 1987, he was just 58 years old.
If you're ever in Pittsburgh, The Warhol, a museum filled with Andy's work and mementoes from his life is one of the best places in the city. This museum has the largest collection of his artwork. His movies are constantly playing, there are featured exhibits, a cafe, store, and currently an entire floor dedicated to Marilyn Monroe, now through January 2nd. I go to the museum every few months, most recently in July for the Shepard Fairey exhibit and plan to go see the Marilyn exhibit the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 22, 2010
It's All About the Sparkle
I am LOVING all this sparkle I've been seeing lately. New Years isn't too far away and as of now i definitely want to rock one of these sequin dresses. One of my favorite artists, Grace Potter (& the Nocturnals) wore a black sequin dress at her concert I went to in October and I knew I needed to have one. Haven't found the perfect one yet, but when I do expect pictures : )
It's All About the Sparkle by harbisonk featuring a sheer dress
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Friday, November 19, 2010
My Friday Five
Here is a list of the 5 upcoming events I am MOST looking forward to:
1. Going HOME tomorrow : )
2. Visiting my roommates on Sunday and attempting to re-live my college years.
3. Thanksgiving!
4. The Back Yard Brawl (Pitt vs. WVU football gam).
5. Packing all new clothes in my suitcase (since I get to change up my "closet" every 2 months).
A fun fact: On this day in history, Nov. 19, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address as he dedicated a national cemetery at the site of the Civil War battlefield in Pennsylvania.
What are you most looking forward to this week/weekend ?! Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it : )
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
You Can Always Find A Distraction If You're Looking For One...
Isn't that the truth!
I'm to that point where it's getting hard to focus and I constantly find my mind wandering from officer training, CROWN, reports, etc. to mashed potatoes, cuddling with Chloe (my cat), the Back Yard Brawl (Pitt vs. WVU game), and SHOPPING! Yes, you might have guessed I am only 3 short days away from my week long Thanksgiving break in the beautiful city of Pittsburgh. So instead of having all my TLC duties fill up my day, I have been planning my break, looking up new recipes for Thanksgiving dinner and most importantly, putting together my Christmas List : ) So far it consists of:
1. This beautiful Lucky Brand ring
2. Fun things for my iPad (stand, case, etc.)
3. New brown boots
4. $$$
...and anything else that you would like to give me : )
I'm to that point where it's getting hard to focus and I constantly find my mind wandering from officer training, CROWN, reports, etc. to mashed potatoes, cuddling with Chloe (my cat), the Back Yard Brawl (Pitt vs. WVU game), and SHOPPING! Yes, you might have guessed I am only 3 short days away from my week long Thanksgiving break in the beautiful city of Pittsburgh. So instead of having all my TLC duties fill up my day, I have been planning my break, looking up new recipes for Thanksgiving dinner and most importantly, putting together my Christmas List : ) So far it consists of:
1. This beautiful Lucky Brand ring
2. Fun things for my iPad (stand, case, etc.)
3. New brown boots
4. $$$
...and anything else that you would like to give me : )
Every year my mom makes DELICIOUS food for Thanksgiving, usually the basics such as turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, sweet potatoes, corn, cranberries, and bread. This year I decided I want to do my part for Thanksgiving dinner and have been researching some recipes for one of my favorite vegetables: butternut squash! Yummm.
I've decided on Roasted Butternut Squash and Apples:
2 Medium butternut squash
2-3 apples
8 tbsp melted butter
1/4-1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 cup roughly chopped pecans
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Cut squash and apples into cubes
3. Add melted butter, brown sugar, salt, pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, and pecans
4. Toss together with clean hands and spread on a baking sheet
5. Bake for 45-55 minutes, lightly tossing throughout
6. Put in a serving dish and ENJOY : )
I'll be updating you after Thanksgiving and letting you know how it turns out! If you decide to try the recipe, I'd love to hear what you thought!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas
I am currently at Mississippi State University and in FOUR days I will be back in Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving : ) I am obviously anxious and excited to get home, but I am trying to not let that affect me and prevent me from doing my job to the best of my ability during my time here. I arrived here Monday morning and was in complete awe of this house. I felt like a walking zombie all day because I had to get up at 3am to make my 6am flight out of Roanoke. I had a 3 hour layover in Atlanta, and because of the great rainy weather it got delayed another hour. It took all I had not to fall asleep sitting up in the airport! When I finally got close to Columbus, MS the weather was so bad we had to circle the airport until the weather lifted. Needless to say it was a very long and tiring morning. But when I arrived at the house my spirits were immediately lifted.
The house is decorated for Christmas : ) How beautiful?!
I've had a great few weeks. I was at Radford for a week then went to James Madison University. It was such a beautiful campus. I fell in love with the school and the entire chapter. It's amazing how much better you're days are when you're around nice people! I hung out with so many of the girls and the Executive Council took me to dinner at this Mexican restaurant and to ice cream at the famous Klines! It was delish. They gave me so many cute t-shirts and this great crew neck sweatshirt with Zeta Tau Alpha and our crest on the front! I wear it almost every day. Then the night I was leaving the girls gave me this pocket with tons of thank you notes : ) Made my night! AND when I woke up in the morning there was a CD on my door with some of EC's favorite songs for me to listen to on my road trip to Radford! So sweet--reminds me why I wanted this job. Here's me at JMU on their mascot:
Lots of great things coming up--This Saturday is Light Up Night in Pittsburgh! Literally leaving the airport and going right to the city for the night. Sunday I'm going to lunch at the vineyard with Kelley, Erin, Chelsea, and Brit and after going to Clarion to see all my BFFs there for the night! Definitely in need of the Loomis right now. Monday and Tuesday are filled up with lots of relaxing with my family and Chloe and Wednesday I get to party like it's 1999. Thursday is Thanksgiving, one of my favorite holidays. Friday is a special day. It's my paps birthday...the first one without him here. Definitely going to be one of the hardest days of my life. I remember how hard my 22nd birthday was without him here, and this one is going to be just as difficult. One thing I know is that just because he is in a better place does not mean I won't be thinking of him every minute of the day and celebrating the best man I ever knew. Not a day goes by that I don't think about my pap and thank God that I was so blessed to have him in my life for almost 22 years. At times I'm selfish and want him to still be here with me, but I know even though he isn't here physically he is always watching over me and will always be in my heart. On that same Friday I am going to the Backyard Brawl to watch Pitt play their rival WVU (Boo). This will definitely fun--tailgating starts bright and early and the game starts at noon. Saturday and Sunday are still up in the air, and I fly out to East Carolina State on Monday! Im literally gone for 10 days and I'm HOME again for CHRISTMAS : ) : )
Monday, November 1, 2010
"A New Sorority Takes the Throne"

Aunt Tracy this is for you!
Also--ZTA will be colonizing at UPenn this spring as well, making PA the runner up for the state with the most Zeta chapters! (Texas has 17)
Just a blond haired, blue eyed girl ...

And incase you forgot or don't know (shame on YOU!):
Favorite color is CERULEAN; although i really love a pretty purple as well.
Heavy or light sleeper? Definitely a DEEP SLEEPER... sometimes a little too deep.
Name your least favorite feature? I mean I like to think I'm pretty beautiful, but I'd have to say my neck (weird, I know)
Do you have any phobias? Where should I begin... spiders is probably the most normal. I also have a huge phobia of being sick.
What is your biggest fear? Having something bad happen to someone I care about; losing someone I love; being alone.
Name your most favorite time of the year? Whenever it's winter, I love spring time. Spring time I just can't wait to lay out and get a tan. During the summer all I want is to see the leaves turn colors. And during the fall I love snow on the trees.
Ever had an imaginary friend as a child? HAH Did I have an imaginary friend?! Try BEST FRIEND. Konna! and Linda sometimes too. I like to think of it as my creativity (and weirdness) started early on.
Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with? Haha-- well.... I think I remember something along those lines happening at Kenny Chesney a few summers ago. And Cassie and I have come PRETTY close.
Turn Ons: Makes me laugh, attractive, makes me feel safe, outgoing, spontaneous.
Turn Offs: Bad breath, quiet, afraid to be himself, doesn't stand up for himself
Are you a morning person? Sometimes I like to think that I am. I also pretend that I like coffee a lot too (which I really don't). There are times when I really enjoyed waking up early and being productive, other times I like to sleep til noon and not leave my house all day. All depends on the mood.
Most favorite and least favorite foods? FRUIT! Mashed potatoes, beets, anything CHEESE! and since I've recently become a vegetarian meat is really a least fav for me right now. Also red sauce makes me sick.
Name the one piece of clothing you can't live without: Really, you're gonna make me pick! I'll just say I'm most comfortable in my Lucky jeans, a v-neck t-shirt, and my mocs.
Do you have tattoos or piercings? When it comes to piercings I'm kind of a baby; just my ears. And tattoos--I have a pink and black star near the heel of my right foot (I got it when I was 17 and I can't stand the color pink) and a cross on my lower left back.
Least favorite subject in school? I LOVE school! If we're talking high school I would have to say any type of math class--just not my thing. College--basically my entire freshmen year.
Do you take showers in the morning or at night: Definitely at night. If you had as much hair as me you would too.
What are the most important 3 things in your life? My Faith, Family and Friends (including Chloe), and being truly happy.
Are you a dog or a cat person, or rather prefer a Komodo dragon? CAT, DUH. I love Chloe : )
Friday, October 29, 2010
So many FUN things happening this FALL!
Today was one of those days that gets every TLC going crazy... we received an email of our NEW SCHEDULE!
Before I get to the schools I will be visiting, I'll give a little update on my last few visits. I went to Lock Haven in PA and helped with their recruitment. They (hopefully) got 5 more new members giving them a total of 9! One of the girls just got a baby kitten named Elliott and he looked just like Chloe! Of course I LOVED him!

After Lock Haven I got to come home for the day because it was Meg's 18th Birthday party! I can't even believe she is allowed to be an adult...SCARY. Her party was fun, all the kids had a good time bowling!

After being home for a day I went to Robert Morris University in Moon, PA. The girls were great and had a cute little Chapter suite on campus. RMU had an overflow of students so they sent them to live at the Holiday Inn, which is where I stayed! It was nice I had my own hotel room during my stay! I did a lot of officer training while I was there and last night we went bowling! I'm really not the best bowler in the world but I did improve after each game! I started out with a 50, yes horrible I know, my second game I bowled a 98 and the third I bowled a 111! On Wednesday night I went to the Grace Potter and the Nocturnals concert! It was AMAZING! I even got to meet the guitarist and get a pic : ) I was very happy. If you've never heard of them go on youtube and watch the clips from the shows NOW! I also went to the pumpkin farm with my family!

I left RMU bright and early on Friday and had a very productive day! I got all packed, checked out of the hotel, turned in my absented ballot (VOTE!), met my uncle Rich for lunch, went to the post office, and bought a much needed pair of mittens! All before I left for Bethany at 1pm! The campus here is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It's a very old school with only about 800 students. Greek Life is huge and most of the chapters here are one of the first 20 founded in their fraternity/sorority. Delta Tau Delta was actually founded at Bethany! ZTA's chapter here is Theta, which is the 8th oldest chapter in our history! Six of the fraternities and sororities have houses on "Greek Hill" and the other two fraternities have houses in town. I plan on taking a walk around this week so expect pictures!
Ok, so now on to the exciting stuff...where I'm going next! After Bethany, I leave on Wednesday and head to Radford University in Virginia. Tommy actually had one of his basketball players from Quaker Valley go there to play basketball! I'm leave Radford Nov. 9th and head to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. Megan's ex boyfriend Jon plays football there so I'm hoping to run into him! Both schools in Virginia seem nice and the weather shouldn't be too bad! After James Madison I head to Mississippi State in Starkville Mississippi! FINALLY a Big, Beautiful Chapter House!!!! I've been waiting since I started traveling for this! Look how pretty:

After Mississippi State I get to come home for Thanksgiving break from Nov 20-28th. I get to eat some good food (no meat of course ;) ), relax and visit friends and family. Once my week of rest is over I'm off to East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. And I must be lucky this month because check out this house I'll be staying at:

After East Carolina I visit at Lenoir Rhyne College in Hickory, North Carolina for about 5 days then fly back to Pittsburgh for Christmas break : ) I know it's all going to go by super fast but it should be tons of fun!
Before I get to the schools I will be visiting, I'll give a little update on my last few visits. I went to Lock Haven in PA and helped with their recruitment. They (hopefully) got 5 more new members giving them a total of 9! One of the girls just got a baby kitten named Elliott and he looked just like Chloe! Of course I LOVED him!

After Lock Haven I got to come home for the day because it was Meg's 18th Birthday party! I can't even believe she is allowed to be an adult...SCARY. Her party was fun, all the kids had a good time bowling!
After being home for a day I went to Robert Morris University in Moon, PA. The girls were great and had a cute little Chapter suite on campus. RMU had an overflow of students so they sent them to live at the Holiday Inn, which is where I stayed! It was nice I had my own hotel room during my stay! I did a lot of officer training while I was there and last night we went bowling! I'm really not the best bowler in the world but I did improve after each game! I started out with a 50, yes horrible I know, my second game I bowled a 98 and the third I bowled a 111! On Wednesday night I went to the Grace Potter and the Nocturnals concert! It was AMAZING! I even got to meet the guitarist and get a pic : ) I was very happy. If you've never heard of them go on youtube and watch the clips from the shows NOW! I also went to the pumpkin farm with my family!
I left RMU bright and early on Friday and had a very productive day! I got all packed, checked out of the hotel, turned in my absented ballot (VOTE!), met my uncle Rich for lunch, went to the post office, and bought a much needed pair of mittens! All before I left for Bethany at 1pm! The campus here is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! It's a very old school with only about 800 students. Greek Life is huge and most of the chapters here are one of the first 20 founded in their fraternity/sorority. Delta Tau Delta was actually founded at Bethany! ZTA's chapter here is Theta, which is the 8th oldest chapter in our history! Six of the fraternities and sororities have houses on "Greek Hill" and the other two fraternities have houses in town. I plan on taking a walk around this week so expect pictures!
Ok, so now on to the exciting stuff...where I'm going next! After Bethany, I leave on Wednesday and head to Radford University in Virginia. Tommy actually had one of his basketball players from Quaker Valley go there to play basketball! I'm leave Radford Nov. 9th and head to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. Megan's ex boyfriend Jon plays football there so I'm hoping to run into him! Both schools in Virginia seem nice and the weather shouldn't be too bad! After James Madison I head to Mississippi State in Starkville Mississippi! FINALLY a Big, Beautiful Chapter House!!!! I've been waiting since I started traveling for this! Look how pretty:

After Mississippi State I get to come home for Thanksgiving break from Nov 20-28th. I get to eat some good food (no meat of course ;) ), relax and visit friends and family. Once my week of rest is over I'm off to East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. And I must be lucky this month because check out this house I'll be staying at:

After East Carolina I visit at Lenoir Rhyne College in Hickory, North Carolina for about 5 days then fly back to Pittsburgh for Christmas break : ) I know it's all going to go by super fast but it should be tons of fun!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Long Awaited Fall Break : )
I had my fall break from October 1-October 12 and I spent my first two days at the wonderful Autumn Leaf Festival at Clarion! It was my first ALF as an ALUMNI! UGHHH. I literally got into Pittsburgh, Tanya and Meg picked me up, I stopped to say hello to my mother, packed my bag and was on my way to Clarion. As soon as I got into town and saw that "Welcome to the 2010 Autumn Leaf Festival" I immediately felt at home and became the happiest person ever. The rude friends that I have thought it would be funny to act like they didn't even care that I was there and all ignored me when I walked in the door! But after a minute I got lots of hugs : ) I was FINALLY reunited with my Roomies and best friends!

I had such a great time that weekend and it made me miss being in college and at Clarion so much. Being a grown up is NO FUN! The wild and crazy things that took place while in college are no longer acceptable and I don't really think I like it! I was so excited I got to see most of my Zetas! My little had a cook out at her house so Danielle and I went over for a little so I could visit everyone!

And later that night look who came to visit:

I was so excited I got to spend time with Lauren, Tyler, Biz and Jordan! On Saturday Uncle Rich, Aunt Char, and Richie came up for the parade so I got to see them too! Richie is such a little stinker and so cute.

After a nice long weekend in Clarion I came back home and watched my FIRST Steeler game of the season in our newly remodeled basement with my family and cats. I spent most of my time at home, then found out my break was extended from Saturday morning to Tuesday! I was FINALLY reunited with Kel, Erin, Chels and Britt and we had a long awaited girls night at the Casino. Of course it was filled with good food, drinks, and lots of craziness... and brit won like $47. I just loved my outfit and hair that night... new shirt and I actually curled my hair!

The next night I saw Kels and Kurts cute little house in Mt. Washington. Im so happy for them and love them so much! We went out to the southside and had lots of fun at Charlie Murdochs (thanks to Joe) and Jimmy D's. It was also John Lennon's 70th Birthday so of course I wore my Beatles tank out to the bar!
Sunday I wrapped up the weekend by going to Kev's house for his nephew Orion's 1st birthday party! It seems like just yesterday that I was at his baptism. Orion lives in Illinois so Kev and his family don't get to see him much. He is so adorable and just starting to walk!

Im now at Lock Haven University of PA and will be here until Saturday. And tomorrow is Meg's 18TH BIRTHDAY! AHHH she should not be an adult yet. Her family birthday party is Saturday at Nesbit's and I really wish I could go : ( I'm crossing my fingers some changes happen and I get to stop at home first! My next visit is Robert Morris, which is like a tease because it's SO CLOSE to home, and then I visit Bethany College in Bethany, WV. From what I hear there is absolutely nothing in Bethany, but it is the Theta Chapter, which is pretty cool because it's one of the oldest active chapters!
So hopefully that gets me up to date with my life! I'm really trying to get better with this, but honestly, I forget I even have a blog most days! <3
I had such a great time that weekend and it made me miss being in college and at Clarion so much. Being a grown up is NO FUN! The wild and crazy things that took place while in college are no longer acceptable and I don't really think I like it! I was so excited I got to see most of my Zetas! My little had a cook out at her house so Danielle and I went over for a little so I could visit everyone!
And later that night look who came to visit:
I was so excited I got to spend time with Lauren, Tyler, Biz and Jordan! On Saturday Uncle Rich, Aunt Char, and Richie came up for the parade so I got to see them too! Richie is such a little stinker and so cute.
After a nice long weekend in Clarion I came back home and watched my FIRST Steeler game of the season in our newly remodeled basement with my family and cats. I spent most of my time at home, then found out my break was extended from Saturday morning to Tuesday! I was FINALLY reunited with Kel, Erin, Chels and Britt and we had a long awaited girls night at the Casino. Of course it was filled with good food, drinks, and lots of craziness... and brit won like $47. I just loved my outfit and hair that night... new shirt and I actually curled my hair!
The next night I saw Kels and Kurts cute little house in Mt. Washington. Im so happy for them and love them so much! We went out to the southside and had lots of fun at Charlie Murdochs (thanks to Joe) and Jimmy D's. It was also John Lennon's 70th Birthday so of course I wore my Beatles tank out to the bar!
Sunday I wrapped up the weekend by going to Kev's house for his nephew Orion's 1st birthday party! It seems like just yesterday that I was at his baptism. Orion lives in Illinois so Kev and his family don't get to see him much. He is so adorable and just starting to walk!
Im now at Lock Haven University of PA and will be here until Saturday. And tomorrow is Meg's 18TH BIRTHDAY! AHHH she should not be an adult yet. Her family birthday party is Saturday at Nesbit's and I really wish I could go : ( I'm crossing my fingers some changes happen and I get to stop at home first! My next visit is Robert Morris, which is like a tease because it's SO CLOSE to home, and then I visit Bethany College in Bethany, WV. From what I hear there is absolutely nothing in Bethany, but it is the Theta Chapter, which is pretty cool because it's one of the oldest active chapters!
So hopefully that gets me up to date with my life! I'm really trying to get better with this, but honestly, I forget I even have a blog most days! <3
Traveling the beautiful state of... PENNSYLVANIA?!
So I must admit, when I first started this job I thought I would have this glamourous life traveling the beautiful United States. Little did I know I would be spending a month in Georgia, and over a month in PENNSYLVANIA, my home state! Ok so I did spend a week in Dayton, Ohio as well with the lovely ladies at Wright State too (and I got to see Stephanie and go to the Greene! After my last visit in Georgia (Georgia Southwestern) I headed to Kutztown University, which is between Allentown and Reading. I was here for about two weeks and had an AMAZING time with these girls. They were so welcoming and fun.

Not only was the chapter great, but I also experienced one of the best things of my life... Chocolate Covered Cheesecake on a Stick! Shaina told me about this great little ice cream place, Pops, and about this delicious dessert!

After Kutztown I visited Wright State for a few days. This visit was much shorter than my previous ones. Before I left the girls gave me this cute basket of all things made only in Ohio! So thoughtful : )

So far I haven enjoyed my travels. I am finding out that I don't have the glamorous life like I thought I would, and I miss my friends and family way too much. It is an amazing experience though and I get to meet people and visit places I would of never gone otherwise. It's always a plus when I get some fun goodies and meaningful thank you notes...reminds me why I took this job in the first place!
Not only was the chapter great, but I also experienced one of the best things of my life... Chocolate Covered Cheesecake on a Stick! Shaina told me about this great little ice cream place, Pops, and about this delicious dessert!
After Kutztown I visited Wright State for a few days. This visit was much shorter than my previous ones. Before I left the girls gave me this cute basket of all things made only in Ohio! So thoughtful : )
So far I haven enjoyed my travels. I am finding out that I don't have the glamorous life like I thought I would, and I miss my friends and family way too much. It is an amazing experience though and I get to meet people and visit places I would of never gone otherwise. It's always a plus when I get some fun goodies and meaningful thank you notes...reminds me why I took this job in the first place!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
So I'm basically a Georgia resident now...
Ok, so I know its been FOREVER since I've wrote on here, but my life has definitely been more hectic that I thought it would be. Obviously all the traveling and crazy hours was expected, but I soon found out that any downtime I have is used to RELAX; no computer, TV, sometimes the phone to catch up with friends and family, but other than that mostly silence and my bed.
After all this time I'm sure everyone thinks I've been traveling the country, but really I haven't left the state of Georgia! I did have training for two weeks in Indianapolis and that was AMAZING. I formed some amazing friendships with the other TLCs, got to see Pat, met some amazing ZTA leaders including past National Presidents! It really was everything I thought it would be and more.
My first visit was Eta Iota at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA. The campus was beautiful! It had a beachy feel and lots of palm trees. I was there for about two weeks so I really got to know the girls well. They were great and I got to help them with a successful recruitment! Here are the sisters and new members on Bid Day:

Even though I wasn't there for my birthday, the girls were so great and took me out to an early dinner then gave me a birthday present!

It made me feel better since this was my first birthday away from friends and family. I was definitely homesick that week.. but it's been getting better since then. I'm really enjoying my time traveling and seeing all these places and meeting people I would never get to meet if I didn't have this job! I'm going to try and update this more often... not making any promises though!
After all this time I'm sure everyone thinks I've been traveling the country, but really I haven't left the state of Georgia! I did have training for two weeks in Indianapolis and that was AMAZING. I formed some amazing friendships with the other TLCs, got to see Pat, met some amazing ZTA leaders including past National Presidents! It really was everything I thought it would be and more.
My first visit was Eta Iota at Valdosta State University in Valdosta, GA. The campus was beautiful! It had a beachy feel and lots of palm trees. I was there for about two weeks so I really got to know the girls well. They were great and I got to help them with a successful recruitment! Here are the sisters and new members on Bid Day:
Even though I wasn't there for my birthday, the girls were so great and took me out to an early dinner then gave me a birthday present!
It made me feel better since this was my first birthday away from friends and family. I was definitely homesick that week.. but it's been getting better since then. I'm really enjoying my time traveling and seeing all these places and meeting people I would never get to meet if I didn't have this job! I'm going to try and update this more often... not making any promises though!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Whisper words of wisdom...
As excited and anxious I am to begin this new journey, I know I also need to prepare myself for the tough, overwhelmed, lonely days I have ahead. What am I going to do when my mom’s at work, my sister is at school, and my friends are out? Who and am I going to turn too, to remind myself its okay? Yes, I know I am probably over reacting a little about this loneliness, but I still wonder. I obviously know all my other TLC sisters will be there to vent to, listen to, cry to, and laugh with, because they will be going through the same things as me, but still there are times when you just need to be in a comfortable place doing something you love.
Well, I guess I know one thing that can always calm me and make me feel better…and that’s music. Music is so special because it can take you back to so many happy times and remind you of great memories within seconds. For those times when I just miss home, my family, and friends, I know I can turn to just about any country song and immediately feel comfort. I can be reminded back to when I was a little kid, or of a concert I recently went to with all my friends, either way, I can’t help myself but smile. I love all country, but recently my favorite has been Zac Brown Band. I just love his voice and the way the music makes you feel.

Aside from missing home and country music, The Beatles pretty much get me through life. I can’t even explain to you how the music makes me feel. I will definitely admit that I was born in the wrong decade, and growing up in the 60s would have been much more suitable for me. Not just the music, but also the fashion, attitudes, lifestyle, and the freedom that was portrayed during this time to me are just so much better. Anyway, back to The Beatles. You can’t find four musicians today who are as talented and artistic as John, Paul, George, and Ringo. The music has so much meaning, both expressed and hidden, but if you dig deep, the music is so relatable. It truly just clears your mind and fills it with endless possibilities.

Along with The Beatles, I love Bob Dylan, OAR, southern rock, MGMT, and many others… But in the end, the Fab Four are the ones who really know me and know how to make anything better, and I’ll forever be thankful for that!
Well, I guess I know one thing that can always calm me and make me feel better…and that’s music. Music is so special because it can take you back to so many happy times and remind you of great memories within seconds. For those times when I just miss home, my family, and friends, I know I can turn to just about any country song and immediately feel comfort. I can be reminded back to when I was a little kid, or of a concert I recently went to with all my friends, either way, I can’t help myself but smile. I love all country, but recently my favorite has been Zac Brown Band. I just love his voice and the way the music makes you feel.

Aside from missing home and country music, The Beatles pretty much get me through life. I can’t even explain to you how the music makes me feel. I will definitely admit that I was born in the wrong decade, and growing up in the 60s would have been much more suitable for me. Not just the music, but also the fashion, attitudes, lifestyle, and the freedom that was portrayed during this time to me are just so much better. Anyway, back to The Beatles. You can’t find four musicians today who are as talented and artistic as John, Paul, George, and Ringo. The music has so much meaning, both expressed and hidden, but if you dig deep, the music is so relatable. It truly just clears your mind and fills it with endless possibilities.

Along with The Beatles, I love Bob Dylan, OAR, southern rock, MGMT, and many others… But in the end, the Fab Four are the ones who really know me and know how to make anything better, and I’ll forever be thankful for that!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
July... HURRY!
So many things have been happening that are making this whole experience finally seem real! First my mom and Tommy gave me an iPad for graduation, and now I received an amazing set of luggage from the Demko's and Tanya! I must say it's perfect! There is the large piece and a smaller carry on with wheels! AND a great matching Java Blue Vera Bradley duffle bag and matching travel organizer! I'm still trying to figure out how I am going to fit in everything I need, but I have been slowly purchasing new clothes that I can match with at least three others (any reason I can find to buy new clothes, I'm going to go with it...).

My amazing Delta Iota sisters got me this cute laptop case from Crown & Co, and my sister got me these cute note cards to take with me! And, I just picked up this great turquoise scarf for $10 at the Boston airport!


So yesterday I FINALLY received my TLC package I have been anxiously awaiting. In in I found The Ready, Set, Recruit! binder (which I'm anxious to look at because we didn't have that when I was VPIII), and a nice welcome letter from Sarah telling us basically everything we need to know about the upcoming year, and YES this included how and what to pack! It also had a food preference paper and chapter request form! On my list so far is the University of Houston, New Mexico State, University of California at Fullerton, and Middle Tennessee State University!
I must say that there are days when I'm nervous and sad about leaving, however when days like this come it reminds me that it is all so worth it. It lets me know that what I'm doing is SO important and I will hopefully make a positive impact on all the chapters I visit. I also hope to learn as much as I can from the chapters I visit, all the amazing ladies involved with ZTA and my fellow TLC sisters!
My amazing Delta Iota sisters got me this cute laptop case from Crown & Co, and my sister got me these cute note cards to take with me! And, I just picked up this great turquoise scarf for $10 at the Boston airport!
So yesterday I FINALLY received my TLC package I have been anxiously awaiting. In in I found The Ready, Set, Recruit! binder (which I'm anxious to look at because we didn't have that when I was VPIII), and a nice welcome letter from Sarah telling us basically everything we need to know about the upcoming year, and YES this included how and what to pack! It also had a food preference paper and chapter request form! On my list so far is the University of Houston, New Mexico State, University of California at Fullerton, and Middle Tennessee State University!
I must say that there are days when I'm nervous and sad about leaving, however when days like this come it reminds me that it is all so worth it. It lets me know that what I'm doing is SO important and I will hopefully make a positive impact on all the chapters I visit. I also hope to learn as much as I can from the chapters I visit, all the amazing ladies involved with ZTA and my fellow TLC sisters!
It's All Happening...
My first post simply talked about the past four years in my life. So now, I figured I'd explain what I'll be doing for the next year! Throughout my time in college I was a member of Zeta Tau Alpha Fraternity. I served as VPIII Membership, President, Assistant New Member Coordinator, and many other smaller positions. Well, because of all I got out of ZTA, I felt like I needed to give back.
In November I applied to be a "Traveling Leadership Consultant." The application was long and I stopped numerous times. However something kept me going. I received an email in January letting me know I received an interview, and finally had my interview in the end of March (I was second to last!). The interview went AMAZING. About three hours long, just talking with Mrs. Ensor (executive director of ZTA). I must say I had a feeling at the end that I got the job. She told me so many amazing things that even if I hadn't of gotten the position, I would have been happy just meeting her and hearing all the positive things she had to say about myself and my chapter. I was told to expect a phone call within in the next few weeks. Well, when I was sitting in Gemmell about five days later and saw that Zeta Tau Alpha was calling me I began to panic. My first thought: "Great, I'm getting the reject phone call right now." But to my surprise it was a phone call offering me the job, and of course I said YES!
Within minutes I saw our adviser, Erin, and she could just tell by the smile on my face that I had good news. She ran up and gave me a huge hug, both of us on the verge of tears. The next step was telling my chapter. I can't even thank those girls enough for all the amazing support they have given me throughout the years. Erin felt this was something special so it deserved a candle pass. After our meeting on Monday, all us girls got in a circle, passed a candle, and whoever blew it out had good news. Well, of course I was the fourth person to get the candle so it wasn't all that exciting, but the girls still ran and congratulated me. It was one of the best feelings I've ever had.
So now after all that, I'm finally getting to what I will actually be doing. Starting July 6, I will be heading to New Orleans for ZTA's Convention. This is such an amazing time for Zeta's because everyone gets together and learns the importance of this amazing fraternity. I will be working early mornings and late nights throughout the week helping put the entire event together. However, I know I will have nothing to complain about. It's such an amazing experience and will give me the chance to bond with my fellow TLC sisters! I was also chosen to be one of six who participate in the initiation service. This is a huge honor to take part in this service in front of everyone at Convention! Not to mention we will be initiating the wife of the head coach of the Washington Redskins!
After the week at Convention, I come home for a couple weeks and leave for good on July 23. I head off to Indianapolis until August 7 for an intense 2 week training period! And I leave to begin my year from there! I will be heading to chapters all across the United States assisting them in any way they may need. I will give them tips, advice, and ideas, help them if they are struggling with recruitment, ideas to strengthen membership retention, congratulate them on their success, or even just give them that extra push they need to achieve greatness. I have such a passion for helping these struggling chapters because that is the type of chapter I come from. For the past four years I, along with the other girls, have worked to constantly make our chapter better. And I must say we have come a long way since 2006. Almost at Crown Chapter!
Anyway, I'm sure I'll be letting you know more about my duties as I learn them! Until then... <3
In November I applied to be a "Traveling Leadership Consultant." The application was long and I stopped numerous times. However something kept me going. I received an email in January letting me know I received an interview, and finally had my interview in the end of March (I was second to last!). The interview went AMAZING. About three hours long, just talking with Mrs. Ensor (executive director of ZTA). I must say I had a feeling at the end that I got the job. She told me so many amazing things that even if I hadn't of gotten the position, I would have been happy just meeting her and hearing all the positive things she had to say about myself and my chapter. I was told to expect a phone call within in the next few weeks. Well, when I was sitting in Gemmell about five days later and saw that Zeta Tau Alpha was calling me I began to panic. My first thought: "Great, I'm getting the reject phone call right now." But to my surprise it was a phone call offering me the job, and of course I said YES!
Within minutes I saw our adviser, Erin, and she could just tell by the smile on my face that I had good news. She ran up and gave me a huge hug, both of us on the verge of tears. The next step was telling my chapter. I can't even thank those girls enough for all the amazing support they have given me throughout the years. Erin felt this was something special so it deserved a candle pass. After our meeting on Monday, all us girls got in a circle, passed a candle, and whoever blew it out had good news. Well, of course I was the fourth person to get the candle so it wasn't all that exciting, but the girls still ran and congratulated me. It was one of the best feelings I've ever had.
So now after all that, I'm finally getting to what I will actually be doing. Starting July 6, I will be heading to New Orleans for ZTA's Convention. This is such an amazing time for Zeta's because everyone gets together and learns the importance of this amazing fraternity. I will be working early mornings and late nights throughout the week helping put the entire event together. However, I know I will have nothing to complain about. It's such an amazing experience and will give me the chance to bond with my fellow TLC sisters! I was also chosen to be one of six who participate in the initiation service. This is a huge honor to take part in this service in front of everyone at Convention! Not to mention we will be initiating the wife of the head coach of the Washington Redskins!
After the week at Convention, I come home for a couple weeks and leave for good on July 23. I head off to Indianapolis until August 7 for an intense 2 week training period! And I leave to begin my year from there! I will be heading to chapters all across the United States assisting them in any way they may need. I will give them tips, advice, and ideas, help them if they are struggling with recruitment, ideas to strengthen membership retention, congratulate them on their success, or even just give them that extra push they need to achieve greatness. I have such a passion for helping these struggling chapters because that is the type of chapter I come from. For the past four years I, along with the other girls, have worked to constantly make our chapter better. And I must say we have come a long way since 2006. Almost at Crown Chapter!
Anyway, I'm sure I'll be letting you know more about my duties as I learn them! Until then... <3
Thursday, May 13, 2010
First week as a big girl
So today is my fifth day as a college graduate. Even though it is nice being at home in a clean house where dinner is made every night and if you want to go to the store there are more options than just Walmart, i must say i miss Clarion more than i could have even imagined. After all for the past four years it has been my home. 518 South was the heart of all. I actually miss Danielle waking me up at 830 in the morning and waiting all day to see when Cassie would wake up. I miss having all my friends in walking distance, and having Vinnys and the Loomis right up the alley. I miss Becker and taking Hud on walks and most of all my friends and the infamous porch. Some of my best memories to date happened in that house and in that porch...and of course at 60 Sun Lane. I miss talking about the night before and figuring out what really happened, i miss sitting on the couch laughing for hours, I miss dancing on tables and watching video of it the next day, i miss day drinking...i feel like that's not as acceptable anymore :/. I miss making fun of DD and singing into kitchen utinsels, but most of all i miss my best friends.
But what's comforting is knowing that the friendships i made are so rare and special. The friends I've made will be my friends forever. I think we can all agree that together we've been through too much to have it any other way. Look forward to hearing more about them in probably every post.
Until then, peace and love to you all.
But what's comforting is knowing that the friendships i made are so rare and special. The friends I've made will be my friends forever. I think we can all agree that together we've been through too much to have it any other way. Look forward to hearing more about them in probably every post.
Until then, peace and love to you all.
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