So today is my fifth day as a college graduate. Even though it is nice being at home in a clean house where dinner is made every night and if you want to go to the store there are more options than just Walmart, i must say i miss Clarion more than i could have even imagined. After all for the past four years it has been my home. 518 South was the heart of all. I actually miss Danielle waking me up at 830 in the morning and waiting all day to see when Cassie would wake up. I miss having all my friends in walking distance, and having Vinnys and the Loomis right up the alley. I miss Becker and taking Hud on walks and most of all my friends and the infamous porch. Some of my best memories to date happened in that house and in that porch...and of course at 60 Sun Lane. I miss talking about the night before and figuring out what really happened, i miss sitting on the couch laughing for hours, I miss dancing on tables and watching video of it the next day, i miss day drinking...i feel like that's not as acceptable anymore :/. I miss making fun of DD and singing into kitchen utinsels, but most of all i miss my best friends.
But what's comforting is knowing that the friendships i made are so rare and special. The friends I've made will be my friends forever. I think we can all agree that together we've been through too much to have it any other way. Look forward to hearing more about them in probably every post.
Until then, peace and love to you all.