Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Is All You Need

I had a really great post about this delicious restaurant I just ate at all ready to go for today, but I decided to jump on the bandwagon and write about what else, but Valentines Day. 

Yes, I don't really have a Valentine.  But I do have plenty of people that I love. And this is the first year I've not been surrounded by them and it truly makes my heart hurt.  Even when I was in a relationship during Valentine's Day, I never got overly excited to celebrate it.  I'm that kind of person who believes you should love someone unconditionally each day, and not just really show it on a commercial holiday.

But this year, Valentine's Day is really getting to me.  I'm in Oregon, just met these girls less than 24 hours ago, and not a word about the holiday has been said.  It is making me appreciate my home, my family, my friends, and my kitty more than ever.  

Me, with the best Valentine ever, Chloe Kristine.
They are who I love each and every day.  Always have, always will.

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